Silent But Deadly

by DJ Glitterpussy


Sometimes when I am getting on a long elevator ride with a person whom I don’t know… if possible, I like to let out an SBD (Silent But Deadly) fart. Just as the smell engulfs the traveling car, I look at the other person and roll my eyes or shake my head in disgust. If they aren’t looking at me, I make a gasping noise to ensure they are aware of my disgust. I love watching their face change from surprise, to denial, to embarrassment to disgust. I can tell they want to deny it, but they NEVER do. As they exit the elevator they may think it’s gross or rude, but later they realize I have just given them a great gift. A great conversation starter for future conversations with lighthearted coworkers. Finding interesting and comedic things to talk about with people can be difficult. I have also reminded them that “who farted?” is, and always will be, one of life’s great mysteries….#elevatorsarefun